Work with a Trusted Estate Planner Sydney

Estate Planning Advice, Made Easy

Our team of expert estate planners can help you develop a comprehensive plan that goes beyond your retirement.

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Estate Planning for Retirement

Estate planning is often a subject that we avoid, but an important task to ensure your peace of mind.

Putting your affairs in order will make sure that your assets are passed on to your family or chosen beneficiaries properly, and as intended. 

elderly couple enjoying a picnic on a hill with their family

Get A Sound Estate Plan for You and Your Family

You spend a lifetime building your wealth.

It’s only common sense that you should plan ahead to ensure that your hard work is not threatened by family disputes. 

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Talk us about Estate Planning now

Don’t put off the important task of planning your estate.

Retirewise has a team of retirement planning experts who have decades of experience to help you sort your affairs. 

How to Get Started in Estate Planning

A comprehensive estate plan goes beyond retirement.

Having a valid will is only the start; estate planning extends this to ensure your beneficiaries receive the optimum benefit of your life’s work. 

Retirewise can assist with planning and reviewing the most appropriate structures to address tax issues, protect assets and ensure your wishes are met in health and upon incapacity or death. We will also work to collaborate with your lawyers to build an appropriate and comprehensive estate plan.

What Can A Financial Adviser Do For You

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does an estate planner in Australia do?

An Australian estate planner can help you arrange your affairs today, so that your estate will be efficiently and correctly distributed after you pass away.

Your planner can help you design an estate plan that can be used to protect the interests of your family and loved ones, and to ensure that your wishes are followed.

What is estate planning advice?

You may seek professional planning advice to help you navigate the intricacies of estate planning.

Remember, there are many areas to consider in planning your estate such as inheritance law, taxation, wealth distribution, and more. 

Are estate planners expensive?

The cost of estate planning may vary depending on the complexities of what you are trying to achieve.

This cost is more of an investment, considering a thorough estate plan can help you effectively distribute your legacy, and help your family once you pass. 

What's the difference between an estate planner and a financial advisor?

A financial advisor can help you in general financial planning such as debt management, budgeting, insurance, investments and retirement planning.

If accredited, a financial adviser can also act as an estate planner in providing strategic advice. This will ensure your assets are distributed in accordance with your objectives, and in a tax-effective manner.