Let's Create Your Personal Wealth Management Plan

Build Your Wealth, Happily

Maximise your investment potential by using smart strategies and working with a professional team.

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Be One OF Them

Retire Early - Like Millionaires Do

Is it really possible to retire as a millionaire? Of course!

In fact, the total number of millionaires in Australia rose 31% from 485,000 to 635,000 during the past year - the biggest rise in recent history.
Reference: Praemium news & insights

You can be one of them! If you know how to build your money, manage your cashflow, take calculated risks, and partner with experts, then you are heading towards a bright future!

middle aged couple standing near their terrace

Steps to build your wealth

Most millionaires are organised when it comes to wealth accumulation.

While Retirewise recommends a bespoke roadmap based on your preferences and circumstances, there's a usual recipe for increasing wealth.

organise your Wealth

How to Get Started

Retirewise can help you develop a thorough plan that includes superannuation, non-superannuation investments, budgeting, debt management, tax management and more.

We’ll begin by assessing your current investments and provide you with expert advice based on your current portfolio and risk tolerance inorder to achieve greater returns. 

Retirewise Personal Wealth Management Services

Building wealth is about working smarter, not harder. The key to success is building a team with competent players to create the best opportunity to be in the right position at the right time.

Whilst you play your part, Retirewise offers the complementary skills to maximise your potential.

Partner with us and start Building your wealth

Don’t miss out on wealth building opportunities because you have failed to plan.

Retirewise has a team of wealth building experts who has decades of experience to help you retire like a millionaire.

What Can A Financial Adviser Do For You

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much money do you need for private wealth?

In Australia, you are considered wealthy if you have Net Investible Assets (NIA) of more than $1 million (or a net of more than $2.5 million including your family home) and you have a yearly income of $250,000.

Meanwhile, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) categorise “Wealthy Individuals” as people who have a net wealth of $5 million or higher. 

What does a private wealth management advisor do?

As the name suggests, a private wealth management advisor can help you with how you can invest your portfolio and plan your finances to meet your financial goals.

Wealth management advisors are licensed financial professionals who offer a range of services such as tax services, retirement planning, estate planning and portfolio management. 

What is the minimum amount for wealth management?

The minimum amount for wealth management in terms of net worth, investable assets or other metrics vary according to wealth managers and your chosen wealth management firm.

Some firms may accept investments starting from $100,000 while some firms will only accept a minimum of $1 million. 

What is the difference between asset management and wealth management?

In short, asset management focuses on investments whilst wealth management takes a much broader view.

Asset management refers to the management of assets such as shares, managed funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), cash and bonds.

Wealth management takes into account your personal situation considering factors such as risk tolerance, choice of investing entity (such as investing within super, trust, or your own name) and optimising your tax situation.