Partner with a professional superannuation adviser

No 'BS' Superannuation Advice Australia

Our team of expert superannuation advisors can help you build a healthy super balance.

happy middle aged couple sitting in a sofa while holding a piggy bank

Find out how your superannuation balance compares.

Take the quick self assessment to determine if you’re on track for good retirement (or not)


Make the most out of your super

Your super can form a significant portion of your nest egg, so you must ensure that you are maximising growth opportunities.

For example, you might be paying unnecessary fees or maintaining insurance across your super accounts.

Or perhaps, you can take advantage of tax concessions that will help you save more retirement dollars.

elderly couple walking in a golf park

Healthy super demands a good plan

There are around 500 superannuation plans operating in Australia in different sectors and industries with varying returns. 

get expert advice

How to Get Started

Retirewise can help you get started in building out your superannuation plan that is based on your personal circumstances.

Our team will provide you transparent and digestible advice to help you maximise your retirement saving potential. 

How superannuation fits into retirement planning

A hefty superannuation fund can definitely help you finance the lifestyle you want during retirement.

Many people can simply switch from a regular income (from wages) to a regular tax-free income stream (from their superannuation)

By starting early and following your own super plan, you can be more confident that your wealth will support you once you decide to stop working.

Ideally, you should work with a financial advisor who can help you build your own superannuation. 

Partner with an Retirewise Superannuation Advisor

It takes time and expertise to develop a healthy super balance.

Retirewise has a team of investment planning experts who has decades of experience to help you build your wealth.

What Can A Financial Adviser Do For You

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where can I get advice on superannuation?

There are many resources available for advice on superannuation. An option may be to approach your super fund to talk to a superannuation advisor who can guide you through your investment decisions.

In addition, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has online financial advisers register of individuals who are authorised to provide personal advice on investments including superannuation.

You may also partner with an superannuation advisor from a private firm such as iRetire to guide you through the intricacies of super funds. 

Do I need a financial advisor for super?

Most super funds offer general advice free of charge and financial advisers at a cos who can help you maximise your retirement income by suggesting different investment mixes in your super portfolio.

However, if you are seeking more in-depth, bespoke advice, it may be worthwhile to seek advice from a financial planner who has an excellent understanding of Australian tax, investment, and superannuation policies.

Which super fund is performing best?

It is important to compare apples with apples. Websites such as SuperRatings can provide performance charts for the best performing industry super funds. For retail super funds and super wrap products the performance will vary according to the underlying investments selected by you or your investment adviser.