Get Expert Retirement Advice from Retirewise

Retirement Should Be Fun

Our team of wealth building experts can help you make sure that everything is shipshape during your retirement years.

elderly couple shaking hands of an advisor

Find out how your superannuation balance compares.

Take the quick self assessment to determine if you’re on track for good retirement (or not)


Retirement Check: Are You Happy?

After decades of hard work and paying taxes, you deserve a happy retirement.

Perhaps you’re living the dream (at least a bit).

So, where are you now? Are you on a holiday overseas? Perhaps you are a few pages short of completing your book? Or catching up with the grandkids?

Or are you still worried due to changing circumstances?

smiling middle aged couple

Is money everything in retirement?

Your heart might be filled with joy these days by pursuing your passion project or spending more time with family and friends.

But do you really have the funds to go on?

OPTIMISE your finances

How to Get Started

Retirewise can help organise your finances even in your retirement years.

Our experts can optimise your superannuation, investments, daily budgeting, debt management and taxation so you can course correct your navigation through your golden years.

We’ll start with an initial assessment of your current retirement situation and provide professional advice. 

Retiree Checklist

While retirement vary from one person to another, here’s a checklist that you can use to know if you are still living in a comfortable retirement

  • Liquid assets that you can easily turn to cash
  • Zero to minimal debt
  • A budget plan that you actually follow
  • Stable sources of income
  • Access to all eligible entitlements from the government
  • Established retirement care
  • Available fund for aged care needs

Retirewise Can Help You

It’s important to make sure everything is shipshape during your retirement years.

Retirewise is a team of wealth building experts with decades of experience. 

We help Australian retirees with a customised plan so they can continue enjoying their retirement.

What Can A Financial Adviser Do For You

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I spend my entire super and then get the pension?

Depending on the policies of your super fund, you may access your money as a lump sum once you hit your preservation age.

Remember, having super will not deny you from receiving pension entitlements. However, eligibility for the Age Pension is based on Income Test and Assets Test.

As a result, what you do with your lump sum after you withdraw it may affect your eligibility. It is best to call a Services Australia Financial Information Officer to find out how accessing your super as a lump sum could affect your pension. 

How much savings can a retiree have in the bank?

To determine the savings you can have in your retirement account, you need to understand the asset limit and thresholds for the Age Pension. It all boils down to all types of assets you have on top of your savings.

As of March 2022, the threshold for a single homeowner (according to the Australian Government Services) is $270,000. If you are a couple with a home and combined assets, the threshold is at $405,000 to be eligible for the full pension.

If you go beyond the threshold, your pension might be reduced, but you may still be entitled for a part pension. 

Where can I get retirement advice

Adjusting your retirement plan based on the current circumstances can help you manage your finances and cope better as you progress in your golden years.

While you can talk about your retirement to your family or friends, it is still best to get professional advice. 

A licensed financial adviser from iRetire can help you.

What are the government benefits for Australian retirees?

Once you retire, you could be entitled for government benefits such as:

  • Age Pension - applicable for Australians age 66 and 6 months or over depending on birthday, an Australian resident and have lived in the country for at least 10 years, and meet the income and asset tests 
  • Concession Cards - benefit cards are available for seniors to get discount on things such as health care, transport, utilities, and more. 
  • Government Loans - such as the Home Equity Access Scheme (formely known as Pension Loan Scheme) that you can use as real estate security for a fortnightly loan to top up your retirement income.
  • Health care benefits - Australian retirees can take advantage of government health benefits such as Medicare Safety Net, PBS Safety Net, Cancer screening, free vaccinations, etc.