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5-Star Financial Advice Sydney

From investment advice to estate planning, Retirewise has the right combination of skills and experience to guide you.

middle-aged couple enjoying a lovely time near a lake

Find out how your superannuation balance compares.

Take the quick self assessment to determine if you’re on track for good retirement (or not)

middle age couple happy about their savings

Solid Superannuation Advice

Your super can form a significant portion of your nest egg, so you must ensure that you are maximising growth opportunities.

middle age couple getting investment advice

Laser-Focused Investment Plan

You need smart investing strategies that are catered to your risk profile and circumstances.

elderly couple enjoying quality time with their grandaughter at the beach

No BS Estate Planning

You spend a lifetime building your wealth.  It’s only common sense that you should plan ahead to ensure that it is not threatened by family disputes. 

happy husband and wife enjoying leisure time with their daughter

Bespoke Insurance Plan

Getting the right life insurance plan can help you protect your family from unfortunate events.

elderly couple enjoying quality time at their kitchen

Stress-Free SMSF

By carefully planning and setting up your SMSF, you’ll be more confident that your fund can sustain your chosen lifestyle during retirement.

What Can A Financial Adviser Do For You

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is financial advice worth it in Australia?

The worth of an adviser can be tangible and intangible. It may be difficult to put a price on achieving greater piece of mind. However, it has been shown that factors such as effective tax planning and maintaining a long-term disciplined approach can directly save you money and achieve greater long-term returns that more than compensate for the cost of advice.

What is the normal fee for a financial advisor in Australia?

Financial advisers are required to provide a Financial Services Guide that explains their fees. Usually, they will charge a one-off fee to prepare an initial Statement of Advice (or financial plan) that can range from approximately $2,200 upwards. This may or may not include an implementation fee.

Once the Statement of Advice has been presented and implemented, you may decide to engage the financial planner’s services on an ongoing basis. According to Adviser Ratings, the median ongoing fee in 2022 was $3,529.

The cost of financial advice also varies depending on factors such as the type of advice you need, the complexity of your circumstances, and the fee method that your advisor uses.

Where can I get financial advice in Australia?

Banks and non-banks financial organisations can provide genuine financial advice.

Most banks have in-house financial advice service that can help you explore investments.

Meanwhile, non-banks such as independent financial advisory firms can also help you with financial planning, estate planning, insurance, and more. 

Who is the best financial advisor in Australia?

There is no single ‘best financial planner in Australia’, despite the claims of some.

The best financial planner for you is the one you feel is best suited to help you come up with the right strategies to achieve your goals. 

You should also consider whether they are accredited through industry associations such as the Financial Planning Association (FPA).